Sunday, June 1, 2014

Be Authentic

My kika mentor was featured on this radio show last week. She talked about what she was passionate about and why kika resonates so much with her. I loved hearing her story and why kika works for her. She explains why she loves kika so much and why everyone should care about what you put on your body. Your skin is your largest organ so should absolutely take care of it. Clothing can make a huge difference. 

I was so taken by a quote of hers in the show that I had to make a quote image out of it. Check it out and please share if you agree!
"When we feel good, we can be authentic. If we are authentic and 
are our true selves, then we radiate. That's when things change 
and manifest in our lives.kika allows us to be authentic." 
~kika Stylist Lisa Thomas~

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